
BBM Series Rep Your Campus 2023

The Big Break Moment is back, bigger and better

We are a body of young people giving young people a chance to become who they’ve always needed to be.

The Nigerian youth today craves opportunities that put them in the limelight. They don’t just want to dance, sing, or act, they want to be seen doing these things!

We understand that the educational system of the country supports a one-ticket vision of scoring good grades to be employable, but what if being employable is not the only thing you want?

What if you want to be believable?

You believe in yourself, your goals, and your talents. So do we, but we cannot stop there. We have to encourage you out of your shells and give you your BIG BREAK!

That is why The Big Break Moment Africa is here, only this time, stronger and better. We are here to birth stars!

In our last edition, we hosted 25 dream mates (yup, that’s what they are called 😎 ) in the dream house for 300 hours! Did they survive? You betcha!

They were pushed beyond the boundaries of mere talent. They dashed out of their comfort zone and gained relevant skills that make their talents truly valuable in today’s world.

We can’t fail to recount the indelible hosts and guests we had visiting the house to impart the dream mates with rare industry-based knowledge, something I assure you shifted their minds and fast-tracked their growth.

This year, we are at it again but we pose to do better. We are after the mind, actions, and results of our Nigerian youths. We scout for talents but we don’t stop at it. We are refiners looking for diamonds in the rough!

We believe that we are equipped to groom the next Grammy winners. With the right push from our end, YOU could be the next big thing in the entertainment industry.

So would you give it a shot?

Follow @thebbmafrica on Instagram to be the first to know about the auditions coming to your school very soon.




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